Thursday, August 2, 2012

Douthat State Park and Falling Spring Falls: 100th Hike, 100th Adventure

I have read countless articles, trail guides, reviews, and other sources about hiking. All say one thing: Douthat State Park is the premier state park in Virginia, and one of the top teir state parks in America. To me that's a pretty bold statement, considering some of the juggernauts of the State Park world I have hiked. Anyway, could Douthat be as great as I have heard? Well for my 100th hike I was determined to find out!

As I arrived to Douthat I heard something that was quite disturbing. The ranger who was running the front gate told me that most of the trails were closed, due to wind damage.  She said there were two trails opened that circle the lake. So I thought about it and decided that I drove over 80 miles to see this park, I might as well hike the two lake side trails.

So I hiked along the lake taking pictures of the scenery, until I found a trail that led into the Mountains, that wasn't closed. The trail wasn't part of my original plans, but I figured I would just hike until I'd get to a trail that was impassable. The trail eventually led to the top of Beards Mt. and there were plenty of open vistas. Eventually I got to the Overlook Trail, which judgeing from the tail name, has a pretty awesome view. But, there were too many trees down to make the trail passable.

So I headed back towards the lake and decided to finish the hiking around the lake. Hiking along the lake were plenty of views of Beards Mountain and dams. All in all, Douthat was worth the drive to it, even though most of the trails were closed. BUT, because this was my 100th hike, I wanted to experience something spectacular.

I have heard rumors that there was a waterfall close by that is comparable in power and beauty to Niagra Falls. A statement as bold as that came from one of founding fathers Thomas Jefferson. Inspired by Jefferson's words, I went on a search looking for this grand waterfall. I found that waterfall, it's name is Falling Spring Falls. Here's the stone cold, "Steve Austin" truth, Falling Spring Falls is the best waterfall I have ever seen...besides Niagra Falls ;) I was just blown away by the power, the beauty, and amazing sceanery of this unique waterfall. I found an unoffical trail that led to a little rock scramble which led to the base of the falls. At the base, there were plenty of swimming holes, and even a small cave to explore!

So If you ever find yourself near the Covington, VA be sure to give Douthat State Park and Falling Spring Falls a visit. And, if you're feeling really spontaneous...take a dip.

Treck on, and keep those human wheels rollin!   

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